Has demand turn-up been ‘killed before it got going’?
Demand turn-up has been “killed before it got going”, an industry member told New Power after the results of National Grid’s fixed tender for the service were announced.
Demand turn-up has been “killed before it got going”, an industry member told New Power after the results of National Grid’s fixed tender for the service were announced.
So-called car park generators could walk away from capacity market (CM) contracts if regulator Ofgem goes ahead with plans to cut Triad payments, and that could include dismantling and exporting plants that have already been built, New Power has b
The energy industry has talked for years about becoming an exciting place that will attract new talent. And it is doing so – but that talent is bringing new ideas, and the industry has to react.
The future of European energy depends on flexibility. This calls for a regulatory rethink based on a grand bargain between all players, says Simon Hobday
Citizens Advice thinks it is time for Ofgem to re-examine its assumptions. Market comparisons justify lower returns and reduced cost allowances in the next RIIO period
As the proportion of renewables in the generation mix grows rapidly, the industry is finding some old assumptions challenged.
In last month’s interview with New Power, Mark Somerset of Intergen said investors needed “nerves of steel” to invest in the UK. It remained worthwhile, not least because it was dealing with issues that would arise elsewhere.
With 4GW of interconnection in operation, the UK has a long way to go to meet the EU internal energy market target of 15% of national capacity by 2030.
The transmission network is growing, with radial connections offshore and links to neighbouring markets, as well as changes onshore to accommodate new power flows. Janet Wood took a look
In 2014 the regulator acted to try to address continuing concerns about the lack of liquidity in the GB market and specifically the problems small suppliers had trading they require. Three years on, has Secure and Promote done its job?